Power of photoshop

Today I had few hours free, and I was trying some new things in photoshop. This first photo is original.

Danas sam imala par sati slobodno i isprobavala sam nove stvari u fotošopu. Prva slika je original.DSC_0642DSC_0642 copy DSC_0642 copy3

Last year I learned  some beginers steps about photography and photoshop. Now I’m again in that photography world, and I love it.

Prošle godine sam učila neke početničke korake u fotografiji i fotošopu. Sada sam ponovo u tom fotografskom svetu, i obožavam ga.DSC_0642 copy4 DSC_0642 copycopy

These are some of my shoots. I don’t do soo much work in photoshop but I like it this way now.

Ovo su neke od mojih fotki. Ja ne preradjujem baš mnogo slike u fotošopu, ali trenutno mi se ovako dopada.

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Hope you enjoy!

Nadam se da ste uživali!

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